EngrM 325 - Mechanics of Elastic Bodies - Spring 2004
Nebraska Hall
page for the class: HTTP://em-ntserver.UNL.EDU
Office Hours: MW
11:30-1:00 p.m., or when available (Tutors are available in room 308 WSEC)
Book: Mechanics of Materials by
Gere, Sixth Edition, Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning
Final class
grade will be based on:
Participation (Quizzes,
etc.) 10%
2 Hour
Exams (20% each) 40%
1 Final
Homework 20%
Project (Optional) 5%
Total 105%
(or more!)
The following straight scale will be used:
Only neatly written problems will be graded
A correct answer without a correct outline of the work will not carry
any grade
All incorrect work must be clearly crossed out on the page
In cases where more than one solution is presented for a problem, the
solution with the most errors will be graded
Each solution must have proper units
Makeups will be given only
under extreme circumstances. It is expected that the student will contact the instructor sufficiently
in advance of an exam or have sufficient reason that they could not do so.
Will cover theoretical aspects (definitions and derivations) and
problem solving skills
Will be closed book, closed notes, with no crib sheet
No makeup quizzes
May or may not be announced, may or may not be in class
Hour exams:
Will be announced one week before the exam
Will contain three or four problems: One problem will be from the homework
Will be closed book and closed notes
I will provide a sheet containing the main equations
Will contain four to eight problems
Will be comprehensive
Will be closed book and closed notes
I will provide a sheet containing the main equations
Problems are due the Wednesday of the week after they are assigned
Problems will be graded only if they are written neatly
Cooperation on understanding and doing the homework is allowed, but the
final presentation must be your own (no copying of homework)
No late homework! There will be a “No Questions
Asked/No Excuses Needed” policy of dropping your lowest homework grade
Preparation and
You are responsible for all sections in the book written on the outline
of the course (even if not covered in class)
You are responsible for the material presented in class (even if not in
the book)
Please look over the sections that will be covered in class before
coming to class
Please read both the book and the class notes before coming to office
Please make an honest attempt at solving the problems before coming to
office hours
Statics (EngrM 223): Force Systems, Static Equilibrium, Friction,
Center of Gravity, Moment of Inertia, Vector Algebra
Analytic Geometry and Calculus
III (Math 208): Functions of Several Variables, Partial Differentiation,
Maximum-Minimum, Lagrangian Multipliers, Multiple Integration, Sequences,
Infinite Series, Vector Fields, Path Integrals, Green's Theorem
Analytical Geometry and Calculus I and II (Math 106 and 107): Limits,
Differentiation, Related Rates, Integration, Exponentials, Trigonometric,
Analytic Geometry and Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Polar Coordinates,
Parametric Equations, Quadratic Surfaces
Statement on
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating on exams and plagiarism in the preparation of homework will be
considered unacceptable conduct. Academic sanctions will be taken against all
parties involved in the act of cheating and/or plagiarism. A student
participating in the act of cheating and/or plagiarism for the second time will
receive a failing grade in this class. Consult the Student Code of Conduct
section in the Undergraduate Bulletin for more details.
Statement on
Disruptive Conduct: I would appreciate it if all students would be considerate of the
learning mission of the class and to refrain from activity which is disruptive.