Advanced Mechanics and Materials Engineering International Laboratory


The AMME-International laboratory is a collaborative partnership between the Advanced Thermomechanical Engineering, Analysis and Modeling Laboratory (A-TEAM), a cooperative of participating faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), USA,  and the Groupe de Physique des Matιriaux (GPM) at the University of Rouen (UR) Normandy, France.

The AMME-International laboratory is focused on all that considers the advanced analysis, modeling, characterization, and engineering of materials, with particular emphasis on the study, use, and disposal of the materials and systems of the future. In this goal AMME-International  focuses its work by integrating the complimentary activities of the laboratories A-TEAM and GPM.


The AMME-International has US and French Co-Directors. They are

·         Mehrdad Negahban (Co-Director, US)

·         Eric Dargent (Co-Director, France)

Faculty Membership

The current members of the AMME-International Laboratory at UNL are:

•                    Mehrdad Negahban (Co-Director, US)

•                    Florin Bobaru

•                    Bai Cui

•                    Yuris Dzenis

•                    Ruqiang Feng

•                    Lucia Fernandez-Ballester

•                    Mike Nastasi (Director, Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research)

•                    Carl Nelson

•                    Prahalada Rao

•                    Michael Sealy

•                    Jeffrey Shield (Chair, Mechanical and Materials Engineering)

•                    Peter Sutter

•                    Li Tan

•                    Joseph A. Turner

•                    Jian Wang


The current members of the AMME-International Laboratory at UR in GPM

•                    Philippe Pareige (Head, GPM, UR) ; Interdisciplinarity : Nanoparticles and Health department

•                    Eric Dargent (Co-Director, France);  Disordered systems and Polymers department

•                    Allison Saiter

•                    Laurent Delbreilh

•                    Antonella Esposito

•                    Nicolas Delpouve

•                    Jean-Marie Le Breton

•                    Xavier Sauvage; Metallurgy : Ageing and Mechanic department

•                    Francois Vurpillot; Scientific Instrumentation department

•                    Lorenzo Rigutti; Nanosciences and Nanotechnologie department

•                    Williams Lefebvre; Scientific Instrumentation department