Note to the students: The following
is a typical "Exam II" for statics. It should give you
an idea of the difficulty of the exam. Try to do the exam in 50
minutes without the aid of your book or your notes, only using
your one page of equations (no solutions to problems). For each
problem, first layout the procedure to obtain the desired solution,
then complete the problem by doing all the details. Don't forget
to draw free-body diagrams for the equilibrium problems, and to
present your result in three significant digits with proper units.
If the figures are not clear, you can find them in the book.
Problem 1: The column is used
to support the floor which exerts a force of 3000 lb on the top
of the column. The effect of the soil pressure along its side
is distributed as shown. Replace this loading by an equivalent
resultant force and specify where it acts along the column, measured
from the base A.
Problem 2: The wall footing
is used to support the column load of 12,000 lb. Determine the
intensities w1 and w2 of the
distributed loading acting on the base of the footing for equilibrium.
Problem 3: the pipe assembly supports the vertical loads shown. Determin the components of reaction at the ball-and-socket joint A and the tension in the supporting cables BC and BD.