Note to the students: The following
is a typical "Exam III" for statics. It should give
you an idea of the difficulty of the exam. Try to do the exam
in 50 minutes without the aid of your book or your notes, only
using your one page of equations (no solutions to problems). For
each problem, first layout the procedure to obtain the desired
solution, then complete the problem by doing all the details.
Don't forget to draw free-body diagrams for the equilibrium problems,
and to present your result in three significant digits with proper
units. If the figures are not clear, you can find them in the
Problem 1: Determine the force in members BC, FC, and FE and state if these members are in tension or compression.
Problem 2: Determine the normal
force, shear force, and moment at a section passing through point
D of the two-member frame.
Problem 3: The homogeneous semicylinder
has a mass of m and mass center at G. Determine
the largest angle of the
inclined plane upon which it rests so that it does not slip down
the plane. The coefficient of static friction between the plane
and the cylinder is
. Also,
what is the angle
this case.